Javascript API to data attributes

So it is both possible to do tracking based on the Javascript API and data attributes.

It is quite easy to go from one to the other.

Let’s start with the pageview example in the Javascript API.

    "data": {
        "pageLanguage": "en"

Basically, if we want to go from this Javascript API version to the data-attributes, we need to do two things:

  1. Translate the event to a data attribute. That can be done by the following table.
event data attribute
pageview data-track-page
contentview data-track-contentview
click data-track-click
funnelstepview data-track-funnelstepview
change data-track-change
dataview data-track-dataview
  1. Copy the data object in to the data-attribute.

If we look at the example above. This leads to the following:

  1. We need the data attribute: data-track-page, because the event is pageview.
  2. We need the following data object:
    "pageLanguage": "en"

This leads to the following data attribute on a div.

<div data-track-page='{
    "pageLanguage": "en"