Parameter whitelisting

Parameters can hold personal (identifiable) information. It is sometimes hard to control everything that will be put into the datalayer. Therefore, it can be really handy to have a whitelist of query string parameters. This way, you can control what data will be in your query string parameters.

At Harvest Collect we offer the possibility to set a list of whitelisted parameters.

How does it work?

Configure the whitelist of parameters

In the Harvest Console you can configure the list of parameters. They should be an exact match.

Generate complete whitelist

Besides the custom whitelisted parameters, Harvest Collect has already whitelisted the following parameters:

Parameter Description
harvest_he This parameter is used for the hashedEmail in SHA256 format.
harvest_user_id This parameter is used for cross domain tracking.
harvest_referrer This parameter is used to provide a referrer that should overwrite the current document.referrer.
harvest_channel This parameter is used to provide the channel of a medium, when the medium can have multiple channels.
harvest_ad_id This parameter is used to specify the ad/creative id of the traffic source.
harvest_adgroup_id This parameter is used to specify the ad group/ad set id of the traffic source.
harvest_campaign_id This parameter is used to specify the campaign id of the traffic source.
harvest_keyword_id This parameter is used to specify the keyword id of the traffic source.
harvest_creative_id This parameter is used to specify the creative id of the traffic source.
harvest_ad_random This parameter is used to specify the random number of the traffic source.
harvest_ad_data This parameter is used to specify the concatenated ad data the traffic source.
harvest_is_bot This parameter is used to specify whether the traffic source is a bot.

Besides these variables, also all sessionData and userData variable parameters will be whitelisted. For a list of these parameters, read our session meta data documentation.

Harvest Collect will use the whitelist that consists of both default parameters as well as the custom provided parameters.

Whitelist parameters process

Query string parameters will be obtained from the URL and put in the pageData.queryStringParameters variable as well as in the pageData.urlHRef variable.

Both of these variables will be processed and all non-whitelisted parameters will be discarded.

This means that the final event will not hold any non-whitelisted parameters.

Related documentation

Query string parameters Override referrer Campaign tracking Cross domain tracking