
A pagemarker is used to identify a certain page or group of pages. With a pagemarker you can dynamically enrich your data and trigger tool configurations.

A pagemarker has the following properties:

  1. A pathname
  2. Linked conversions
  3. Linked variables

Besides these properties. A pagemarker can be used to trigger tool configurations. For more information about tool configurations, read our tool configuration mapping documentation.


The pathname is used to specfy which page or group of pages should trigger the pagemarker. The pathname is evaluated as a regular expression.

Let’s say you have a website in several languages. This can be seen in the url structure. Examples of the url structure are:

Let’s say you want to have a pagemarker for each language. This means that for any English page the English pagemarker should trigger and for any Dutch page the Dutch pagemarker should trigger.

This can be done with the following pathnames:

  • /en
  • /nl

As mentioned, the pathname evaluates as a regular expression. This basically means that if the pathname contains “/en” it matches any pathname contain “/en”. You can test regular expression yourself at

Linked conversions

Conversions are the actions we want a user to do. One of these actions might be that a user visits a specific page. We could couple this page to a pagemarker. By linking our conversion to the pagemarker. The conversion would be triggered when the pagemarker is triggered.

Usually, however, conversions are triggered by funnelsteps and content interactions, because these are specific actions a user performs.

More information about linked conversions can be found in our linked conversions documentation.

Linked variables

Linked variables give you the option to enrich data based on the fact that a certain pagemarker was triggered. If we go back to the example of having a pagemarker for each language. We could add a variable “pageLanguage” to our data an dynamically set the value of this variable based on the pagemarker that is triggered. In the case of the English pagemarker, this would mean we give “pageLanguage” the value of “en”.

For more information about linked variables, read our linked variables documentation.