Google Analytics

You can use Harvest to send data to Google Analytics. By default we will already make use of all advanced features, so you don’t have to think about mapping variables to make use of Enhanced Ecommerce.

If you want to make use of custom dimensions and custom metrics, you can make use of the variable mapping feature. This allows you to easily link variables to custom dimensions or metrics.


Auto link domains

If you want to make use of cross-domain tracking with Google Analytics. You can use the auto link domains setting. Provide the main domains (, instead of for example) comma-seperated. For example:,

Whitelisted parameters

To have more control of the query parameters you sent to Google Analytics, you can make use of the whitelisted parameter settings. You can add each parameter you want to whitelist comma-seperated. For example: q,s.


Tracking ID

This is the Google Analytics UA-code which you can find in the property-settings. This ID is required and is used to sent the data to the correct Google Analytics property.

Optimize ID - Optional

If you also make use of Google Optimize, you can add the Optimize ID here. This is optional. If the ID is provided, Google Optimize will be loaded parallel with Google Analytics.