CNAME sub domainΒΆ

For different reasons you might want to use your own domain as a tracking service. This would mean that instead of sending all data to, you can sent your data to

Reasons to do this might be:

  1. Estethics, you prefer to only use services on your own domain.
  2. To be able to set server-side cookies and prevent problems with ITP 2.1.
  3. To diminish the impact of ad blockers

There are a few steps you will have to take to make use of this feature:

  1. Enable the CNAME feature for your domain in the Harvest Console.
  2. Setup the CNAME in your DNS settings. You will have to CNAME harvest-pipeline.<your domain> to
  3. Request an SSL certificate in Harvest Console for your domain
  4. Then you are finished. You can now make use of the tracking server on your domain.