Summary events and meta data

Before we move further, let’s summarize what we have learned so far.

First of all we have web components on the website:

  1. Pages
  2. Content
    • Products
    • Promotions
    • Contents (Everything that is not a product or promotion)
  3. Input fields
  4. Funnelsteps
  5. Data

When a user interacts with these components, we have an event that is getting triggered. Each component has it’s own event type.

Web Component Event type
Page pageview
Content contentview*
Content click*
Input field change
Funnelstep funnelstepview
Data dataview

These interactions are done by a user in a session and are called events.

These events by itself don’t tell us much. To get value, we also need meta data. Meta data is categorized according to the user entities and web components.

Entity/ Web component Variable group
User userData
Session sessionData
Event eventData
Page pageData
Funnelstep funnelData
Promotion promotionData
Product productData
Content contenData