Tracking componentsΒΆ

As described in the web component documentation Harvest identifies several components on the website that can be tracked.

Besides these web components, we use Tracking components in Harvest Collect. They have the following functionalities:

  1. Give an overview about the important web components
  2. Make it possible to link conversions to the interaction with certain tracking components
  3. Make it possible to enrich the datalayer dynamically based on tracking components
  4. Make it possible to link tool configurations to certain tracking components

More information about linking conversions to tracking components can be found in the conversions documentation.

More information about how tracking components can be used to enrich the datalayer can be found in the enrichment documentation.

More information about how tracking components can be used to set tool configurations can be found in the tool configurations documentation.

More information about how to configure each component can be found in the tracking components documentation.