Web components

A website consists of several components. When we identify these components, it is possible for us to later link tracking events to these components.

At Harvest we identify the following Web Components:

  1. Pages
  2. Contents
    • Products
    • Promotions
    • Contents (Everything that is not a product or promotion)
  1. Input fields
  2. Funnelsteps
  3. Data*


Pages are groupings of content. Usually a page was easily identified as a HTML page. Nowadays we also have single page applications, where a page is harder to identify.


Within a page, you will have many content elements that make up the page. We divide all content in three groups:

  1. Products
  2. Promotions
  3. Contents

Products are all content elements that are about a product. Think about a product list item or a product detail page.

Promotions are all content elements that promote certain aspects of the website. A promotion can promote a product, a funnel like the newsletter subscription, but also certain pages.

Finally, when a content element is not a product or promotion, it will fall into the “content” group. Examples of contents can be menu items or for example blog article thumbnails.

Input fields

Usually when a user goes through a funnel, we ask the user to fill in some information. This information is put into input fields like text fields, radio buttons and checkboxes.

It is often interesting to track the interaction with these elements, since they provide valuable information.


Funnelsteps are part of funnels. Funnels are basically the steps a user has to take to reach a certain goal. Common funnels are:

  • Checkout
  • User registration
  • Newsletter subscription
  • Contact forms

These funnel often consist of several steps (usually at least 2). These steps to complete the funnel are called funnelsteps.


Data is not really a “physical” component. Usually data are components that become available after interaction with an API.


  1. When you have logged in. The page could already be loaded, but a few moments later, the user profile is loaded. When you are interested in this information, you are interested in the data component.
  2. When you want to track a Youtube videoplayer, the videoplayer API gives us information about when the player is loaded or interacted with. The data the Youtube player sends back to us, is also a data component.
  3. When a user does a search or uses a filter. This action is usually done without the website updating. The results of the search are also data components.